Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included)OUT OF STOCK

Last Seen Price: ₹879
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Product Features:

  • Output Voltage: 19.5 V
  • Power Consumption: 90 W
  • Overload Protection
  • Power Cord Included
  • View All Specs >

Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included) Price in India

Items matching REGATECH DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W ADAPTER (POWER CORD INCLUDED)

Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included)

About the brand

Regatech is relatively lesser known brand in the current Indian online market scenario. Products by the brand Regatech are available at stores like amazon. It sells various items under the categories laptop chargers and adapters, laptop batteries, desktop computer keyboards.

Specifications for Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included)

Connector pin Type7.4 x 5.0 mm
Contents1 Laptop Adapter
Designed For:DELL INSPIRON N5040, N7010, N5050, M501R, N5110, N7110
Model idN5110, DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N7110, M501R, N7010
Model NameN5110, M501R, L INSPIRON N5040, N7010, N7110, N5050
Output Current (a)4.62 A
Short Circuit ProtectionYes
key features
Output Voltage: 19.5 V
Power Consumption: 90 W
Overload Protection
Power Cord Included
NameRegatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included)
Warranty Details6 Months Warranty on Manufacturing Defects
Warranty Service TypeReplacement or Repair Carry in Warranty

User Reviews for Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included)


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Price Chart for Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included)

The price data available with us for Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included) is for only 28 days. Hence we will not be able to suggest much about making a good buying decision. You are requested to please use your own judgement and decision as far as product pricing is concerned. However, our analysis is shown under for your reference.

We have analysed price data for Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included) for a period of 28 days. The price chart shows following things:

  • The lowest price has been ₹895.
  • The highest price recorded is ₹895.
  • The average price is ₹895.

Our Recommendation for buying Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included)

The best price of Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included) has not shown much overall variation over the recorded period. There is no specific trend for the best price over time. Since Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included) has been at this price for some time, our recommendation will be to buy it at the best price in India of ₹895 now.

90 days Price History for Regatech DLL INSPIRON N5040, N5050, N5110, N7010, N7110, M501R 90 W Adapter (Power Cord Included)